Hands down, website traffic is the heart and soul of any successful blog. If you’re not getting enough traffic either from social media or search engines, it’s going to die soon! What’s the first thing you should be doing after you hit the publish button? It’s blog promotion. If you’re missing it, you’re missing a lot of traffic and sales. If you’re someone who is struggling to get more traffic and looking for ways on how to promote your blog in 2023, this detailed post is a treat for you. Let’s get started on how you can market your blog in a crowded niche.

How to Promote Your Blog: The ONLY Website Traffic Blueprint You Need

How to Promote Your Blog: The ONLY Website Traffic Blueprint You Need3 brilliant tactics to boost your blog traffic from FacebookGet active on InstagramStart writing on QuoraMake the most out of blogging forumsInfluencer marketing is the most powerful promotion tacticCreate highly shareable contentAlways add appealing imagesLink out to other bloggers and reach outHarness the power of PinterestStart leaving thoughtful comments after publishing contentGuest posting is a MUSTFind better keywords that explode your search trafficUse YouTube for solid blog promotion and huge trafficUse LinkedIn to generate more traffic to your blogCreate a blog promotion scheduleUse contests and giveaways to promote your website effectivelyStart networking with other bloggers in your nicheUse paid marketing promotion channelsHow We Increased Our BloggersPassion Traffic to One Million Pageviews A Year?Final thoughts on how to promote your blog effectively in 2023

3 brilliant tactics to boost your blog traffic from Facebook

Did you know that Facebook has over 2.13 billion active users worldwide?

When you look at the above stats (which are taken from Facebook’s official account), you’ll notice that there are billions of active users who are using Facebook every single day. If you’re thinking about promoting your blog for free to bring more traffic, you simply can’t ignore Facebook. Just imagine how much traffic you can generate to your sites if you properly use Facebook to boost your blog traffic. Here are few brilliant tactics to use Facebook really effectively. Use Facebook groups If you’re running a new blog or struggling to get more traffic to your site, the one thing that always works is: Facebook groups. There are a ton of Facebook groups available no matter what industry you are in. The best thing about using those Facebook groups is you can connect with hundreds of like minded people who are interested in reading, commenting and sharing on your stuff. You can get immediate boost to your website traffic if you’ve the compelling headlines with appealing images embedded within the post links that you share on Facebook groups. The first step to get more traffic from Facebook groups is to find all the groups that are relevant to the blog topics you write about. You can simply find a list of all the top blogs in your industry (and most of them will have Facebook pages and groups) and start following them. Likewise you can also use Facebook search box and enter all the keywords that are specific to your blog topic and you’ll be finding a ton of groups, simply start following them and start engaging with the group admins to build rapport. Make use of Facebook live videos Facebook recently launched an incredible feature called live videos where you can do live videos to share your thoughts, tips and advice about your blog’s content with your friends and followers. Whenever you publish a new blog post on your blog, start doing a live video discussing about the content around it and also make sure to use the link to the post so your friends and followers can click on it to the read the post once your live video ends. This is a great way to market your blog because you’re directly interacting with your contacts through live videos. Not only it helps you build strong rapport but it also helps you embrace your fear of speaking. Start promoting other bloggers content on Facebook What does most people do when they want to promote their blogs on Facebook? They simply self-promote which is the case with 90% of the bloggers. What if I tell you there’s a even better promotion strategy which helps you get wide reach and traffic? There’s a blog promotion strategy called “cross promotion” which simply means promoting each others blog’s content which helps you with not only traffic but also building rapport. You’ll just need to find few bloggers who have similar audience and promote each others content whenever someone publishes a new article. While doing cross promotion on Facebook, you can simply start tagging the people you’re promoting so that they’ll know you’re helping them to get more traffic. If you’re just starting out, instead of doing cross promotion, focus only on promoting other bloggers content until they start doing the same thing whenever you post awesome content on your own blog. This is not only a foolproof way to boost your blog traffic effectively but also helps you with great networking with other bloggers in your niche.

Get active on Instagram

So how can you use instagram to increase your blog traffic? Here are some of the proven ways to do it right. Make sure to include your blog’s link in bio (with a trackable URL) The first step to get traffic from Instagram to your blogs is to simply put a link in your profile’s bio (as Instagram gives you an option to use links to your website). Here’s a simple trick to track how much traffic you’re getting from Instagram: start using a trackable URL. You can use link shortener tools like Bit.ly for link tracking where you can easily shorten and brand your website links to increase clicks while maintaining the tracking parameters you want. This allows you to easily find out how many visitors are actually coming from Instagram bio to visit your site. Create a post on Instagram Whenever you publish a new post on your site, make sure to create a post exclusively for Instagram audience using various hashtags and also include killer quotes or headlines within your posts to attract more people. Always have a consistent posting strategy that matches with your brand and blog (color schemes, logo etc) to get the most out of Instagram. You don’t have to post every single day but it would be better if you’re consistent (weekly twice or thrice) with your posting frequency on Instagram. Use stories effectively Instagram was the first platform to launch stories where people can post videos, photos etc to engage with their audience. So whenever you want to promote a blog post to drive more traffic, make sure to use stories for effectiveness. The great thing about using stories on Instagram is that you can use the feature called “swipe up” to drive people to your websites, landing pages, email optin pages etc (where people visit your site or links just by swiping up feature when they are your stories). Use hashtags Finding and using popular hashtags that are relevant to the contents that you post on your blog is definitely a great way to get more exposure from Instagram. Don’t go overboard while using hashtags on Instagram. As a rule of thumb, using 10 to 15 hashtags which are highly relevant to your blog’s topic can bring you wide exposure. Also use less popular hashtags so you can easily get discovered on Instagram even if you’re getting started.

Start writing on Quora

So how can you turn one of the best platforms like Quora as a traffic generating machine for your blog or website? Quora is the #1 Q & A platform which is used by millions of people worldwide to get best answers. Quora is great for;

Increasing your traffic Driving leads Increasing sales to your site

If you’re not on Quora yet, you should definitely create a free account and start using it from today to get the most out of it. Here are few proven ways to use Quora to promote your website. Set up your profile The first step to promoting your blog on Quora is to set up a free account using your Google mail id. Then, fill out all your basic information like your bio along with the link to your site, an image and also follow the topics which are relevant to your blog niche and interests. Make sure to include your expertise as well so people will start asking you questions if you’re start answering around those topics. You must follow the topics because only then you’ll get the feed with relevant questions and answers. For instance, if your blog is about affiliate marketing in general, either you can start answering questions on the topics around digital marketing or affiliate marketing itself. Find popular threads The next step is to find popular threads in your niche on Quora to start answering questions. Most people start answering without even looking at views or people who follow on those topics when they are just starting out which is a waste of time.

So pick popular topics with most answers so you get more views and upvotes if your answer is really good and informative to the followers who are already following the particular thread. You can simply use the search bar on Quora to enter the keywords which are relevant to your blog topics to start answering questions related to them. Follow influencers on Quora Follow every single blogger and influencer you can on Quora and start upvoting their answers and comment on them. This constant interaction will give you a chance to engage with them. Also it gives you a ton of ideas on how they are writing on Quora to promote their blogs so you can follow the same track to get more views, upvotes and traffic to your blog.

Make the most out of blogging forums

Over the past several years, we’ve used a ton of forums to participate in blogging discussion, engage with other bloggers and promote our blog to grow our audience. Although blogging forums has not been evolved as much as they should be but still they are great for promoting your blog especially when you are getting started online. Here are some of the best blogging forums you should definitely consider participating in;

Warrior Forum Blog Engage Indiblogger SEO chat Inbound.org

So how you can use the above blogging forums really effectively? Try the following proven tips for blog promotion. Read their rules first: The five above mentioned blogging forums are completely free to sign up. Either you can create an account for free using your email id or using your social media accounts like Facebook or twitter. The first thing to do before joining any of the blogging forum is to read their rules and guidelines carefully. There are few forums that allow you to add signature with the link to your site (some forums might not allow) and there are few forums that accept self promotion while others don’t. So reading their guidelines carefully can save both your time and promotion efforts. Connect with active users: Once you’ve signed up for a blogging forum, fill out all your details, bio, website URL etc. Then, start finding out the active users on those platforms to start interacting with them. Most forums allow you to see their top participants, who’s getting more views or comments etc so you can easily find the active users and influencers across those channels. Engaging with active users on any blogging forum helps you understand the rules better. Leave, share and promote The simple success mantra you can follow to get maximum exposure on any blogging forum is this: leave, share and promote. Let me explain it briefly.

Leave: Leave comments on others posts whenever you find something useful on those blogging forums so you can start a meaningful conversion. Instead of leaving one or two liner comments, be thoughtful so you can better interact with the blog owners. Share: Instead of self-promoting only your blog and content, start promoting other bloggers content as well. This is a rare factor in blog forum promotion as most people are self-centered. When you start promoting others, they’ll also reciprocate the same. Promote: Promoting other bloggers is the key to blogging forum promotion success. The more you promote, talk about others content on forums the better results you get.

Great for link building Blogging forums are not only to help you bring more traffic and engage with other bloggers in your niche but they are also great for building links. You can promote your posts and use your links while commenting on other forum posts or use your website’s URL in your signature or bio to get links from forums.

Influencer marketing is the most powerful promotion tactic

Did you know that 67 percent of marketers think influencer marketing helped them reach a more targeted audience and also the sales?

Influencer marketing is growing rapidly especially from last 2 years. If you want to reach wider audience or a loyal group of followers, influencer marketing is the right way to go as most followers of an influencer listen and consider their suggestions blindly. If you want to make influencer marketing work for you, you definitely need a success strategy and here are some ways to create it the right way. Identify and set your goals: What do you want to achieve from influencer marketing? What do you expect when you’re trying to tie up with an influencer? Is it brand recognition? More sales? More traffic or leads? The clearer you identify and set your goals, the better results you’ll get on promoting a new blog more effectively using influencer marketing. Once you’ve identified your goals with influencers marketing, you can then track your progress and results in a better way. Find out your ideal influencer: Once you’ve prioritize your goals with influencer marketing, the next step is to determine your ideal influencer to start your campaigns. This is the most important step because if you’re tied up with an influencer who doesn’t have any brand value or reputation or skills to impact their audience choices, you’ll be wasting both your time and money so pick the right guy. The best way to finding out your ideal influencer is to examine your target audience persona (if you don’t have it yet, create one). You’ll then easily be able to build a list of people who you can contact with. Then, figure out whether you want to connect with celebrities or macro influencers. It again depends on your budget. If you’re working for a large agency, you can promote your website with almost anyone you want. But if you’ve a limited budget, go with macro influencers to reach and connect to a small group of loyal and highly focused customers. Connect and reach out to influencers: One of the simplest and quickest ways to reach out to influencers you want to connect with is to use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. If you’re targeting macro influencers (who have 50K or less followers on Twitter or Facebook), then you can also reach out to them through their blogs. Most influencers are always ready to collaborate with brands and other successful people. After all, who doesn’t love more money or recommending great content or products to their audience? Most influencer marketing campaigns which are used to market a website fail due to one reason: most influencers get completely irrelevant pitches – so they simply ignore. The key here is to research every single thing about the influencers you want to connect with. Only then, you’ll be able to build strong rapport with them that you can use forever to grow each others businesses. Last but not least: track your results There’s no point of using influencer marketing if you don’t track and carefully analyse your results. Track your progress every week, every month and every quarter to know whether you’re going in the right direction or not. If not, tweak your strategy and scale up.

Create highly shareable content

Did you know that 2 million blog posts are getting published every single day? That’s too much content, isn’t it? The bad thing about more content is that you’ll have very less chances to get your blog’s content noticed even if you’re promoting heavily. So how can you get past the noise and promote your food blog effectively with your content? The answer is: create highly shareable content. How can you create content that persuades others to automatically share your content? Here are some of the incredible ways. Research the trending and popular topics in your industry Google trends shows you trends and search interest on any topic that you want to write about. Writing on trending topics can quickly help you get more visitors to your site and also give more social shares if your content is great. You can also use more effective content marketing tools like Buzzsumo to find popular topics and trending blog posts in your industry. All you need to do is to enter any keyword of your choice and you’ll find a list of all the content (including blog posts, infographics, videos etc) in your industry. Sort them according to social shares on Buzzsumo and you’ll have a list of a ton of topic ideas that you can write about on your blog to create highly shareable content. Pro tip: You can also find trending topics in your niche by keeping an eye on hashtags on social media platforms like Facebook and twitter. They always cover the trending topics for 24 hours so you can consider writing about them on your blog by effectively using those trending hashtags. Create gigantic listicles: A listicle is simply a list post. But don’t get us wrong: most people consider list posts are easy and fast to write. Just pick a topic, thrown in some tips using list posts and publish. That’s not the way to write listicles and they won’t attract any social shares or traffic. You need to create gigantic list posts if you want to get some serious attention and boost your social shares from blogosphere. A gigantic list post usually includes a ton of tips and images with practical advice to implement. For example;

Top 100 ways to get traffic to a blog 500 tips to lose your belly fat 1000 ways to improve your lifestyle etc

As you can see above, you’ll notice that they have included huge numbers within them hence the list posts also get really bigger and take more time for you to create. They immediately attract your audience attention and persuades them to immediately start sharing your listicles if they find them useful. Interviews and expert roundup posts: Let us share you one simple tip to create content that gets widely shared online: start doing interviews with experts in your industry. We know that it’s not so easy to get an expert to do interview for you because any influencer blogger gets hundreds of email pitches every single week so they can’t respond to all of them. Here’s where you need to go extra mile (commenting on their blog posts and linking to their posts frequently, buying their products or services or interacting with them on social media etc) to get them respond to your interview requests. These interviews with experts can be of any form;

Webinars 1 to 1 interactions (and posting them on to YouTube) Podcasts Normal text form of interviews (where you can ask questions through email)

Just like interviews, roundup posts also work like a charm in getting more social shares. Reach out to as many bloggers as possible and ask them an interesting question related to your blog topics and format them into a great roundup post. Include other bloggers in your content: The final tip we’ve for you to create highly shareable content is to include other bloggers (their names, content, products etc) while creating content. This is also known an name dropping which is one of the best blog promotion strategies one can use to explode their website’s traffic. You don’t have to necessarily link out to other bloggers while mentioning them or their blog’s content. You can just include their content or brand’s name within your content (which is also great for them in SEO which is known as linkless mentions). Once you’re done with it, you can start emailing all the bloggers who you’ve included within your content and if they find your content valuable, they’ll definitely share it with their audience.

Always add appealing images

If you’re blogging for awhile, you already know the importance of using images. They are not only good for user experience but also great for driving more traffic from Google image search. Not only that, adding appealing images within your blog posts is the most effective way to increase your blog’s traffic because the images you add will be shown when you share on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. Improve SEO for your images: Using the right keywords within alt tags of your images can immensely help in promoting your blog better in Google search results. Also use descriptive titles and captions to serve both your audience and search engines. Always make sure to compress your images if they are too big in size because large size images take too much time to load and can hurt your SEO rankings. You can use tools like smush.it or other image compression tools that you find online to compress images. Unique and appealing images: We are currently using premium tools like Lightroom and photoshop to create and edit every single image that we use within our content at BloggersPassion. Do you know why? We want to use not only appealing images but also they have to be really unique. If you don’t have access to premium image editing tools, you can also take help of free image editing tools that you find online such as GIMP, Picasa, Pablo from Buffer etc. The point here is to find “free to use and non copyrighted images” which you can edit and use anywhere.

Promote your images: To get the most out of images, use every channel where images play a huge role. Platforms like Pinterest, Instagram etc have huge audiences who love image based content so you can add appealing images to attract new audience from new platforms.

There’s a lot of constant debate goes on external linking. There are still a lot of bloggers afraid of linking to other websites from their blogs due to some of the following reasons;

Harm their website’s reputation Passing link juice Damaging their search engine rankings And the list goes on

Believe me when we say, external linking is always good when done right. Yes, you should make external links to nofollow when you’re linking to social media sites, other products, affiliate networks etc but adding dofollow links to other bloggers is always a great strategy. So how can linking out to other bloggers help you?

It makes your blog a resourceful platform Search engines actually reward your site for relevant external linking Linking out helps you build strong connections with other bloggers

Above all the reasons, linking out frequently to other blogs can attract more incoming links because most bloggers reciprocate what they get. All in all, if you want to promote your blog the right way and build quality links, start linking out to other bloggers frequently. Quick tip: Whenever you link out to other bloggers in your industry, ping them on social media sites or email them about it. You’ll have more chances of them sharing or tweeting your content or if you’re fortunate enough, they’ll link back to your content. So email or tweet whenever you link to any external blog or website.

Harness the power of Pinterest

If you’re not using Pinterest yet in your blog promotion strategy to promote your blog, you should start doing it now. Did you know that 93% of registered users use Pinterest to plan purchases?

Pinterest is also a great place for driving more women visitors because they use the platform widely. So if you’re someone who’s running a fashion or lifestyle or women oriented topic blog, Pinterest should be your top choice. Or if you want to promote your blog’s content or brand to women all around the world, Pinterest can be your handy promotion tool. Know when to pin: Pins are like tweets on Pinterest or likes on Facebook. The more pins you get the more chances you’ll have to bring more visitors from Pinterest to your blog. Knowing the best times to pin on Pinterest is the simplest way to get more pins. According to a research done by Hubspot, the best times to post on Pinterest are 2PM – 4PM EST and 8PM – 1AM EST. Make it easy for your blog audience to pin your content One of the most effective yet simple ways to get more pins for your content is to use Pinterest image shares. There are so many social sharing tools such as AddThis, Social Warfare, Sumo etc which help you easily use Pinterest pin it buttons. It helps your audience to easily pin your content on their Pinterest profiles whenever they hover on any of your images while reading your content. You can also add a social media button to link to your Pinterest profile to let your audience easily connect with you on Pinterest and display those icons either on footer or sidebar of your blog for more visibility. Follow and analyse popular boards on Pinterest Having a foolproof strategy to get more out of Pinterest always helps: here’s where analysing all the popular blogs which are already active on Pinterest can be a huge help for you in laying out a successful promotional strategy for Pinterest. Simply start following all the top bloggers and popular brands on Pinterest in your niche. Then, start analysing their Pinterest strategy to find out;

How frequently they are pinning What type of content are they pinning How are they engaging with their audience and followers and How are they using Pinterest to promote their brand, blog and products

The above analysis can quickly help you lay out a great Pinterest promotion strategy to promote your blog effectively on Pinterest to get more pins, drive more traffic and build more fans on Pinterest.

Start leaving thoughtful comments after publishing content

You might have heard most bloggers saying “write great comments on other blogs and start generating more traffic to your own blogs”. Have you ever wondered why most bloggers still recommend blog commenting? Blog commenting is a great blog promotion strategy to promote your blog and connect with other bloggers in your niche. The only dumbest mistake you need to avoid is to stop leaving one or two liner comments. Don’t comment on any blog post just for the sake of commenting. Do it because you want to add value or start conversation with the blog author. Here are some ways to use blog comments cleverly to promote your blog the smart way. Start leaving lengthy blog comments This is our #1 tip if you want to open up the doors with popular bloggers and start getting more traffic to your websites using blog commenting: start writing lengthy and thoughtful comments. Lengthy comments immediately catches other people attention (along with the blog author) and 99% of the time the author or someone else will reply to your comments because everyone appreciates sparking and useful comments. Another thing with lengthy comments is that you will have to actually read the whole post where you’re leaving comments. Most people don’t read, they just skim through the posts and comment. Here’s where your comments will stand out and help you start a great conversation using blog commenting. Use their names While commenting on any blog post, take time to know the author’s name so you can start commenting using their name. Also appreciate their efforts if you really loved the post. Then, start adding value to your comments by sharing your own views. Tell them what points they are missing in a meaningful way. Even if you want to critique something, be polite. That’s how you earn others respect. Always remember, blog comments are only meant for interaction, not for fighting. Ask the right questions and create a discussion Last but not the least: asking the right questions and create a discussion within the comment section is the smartest way to grab other people attention to check out your blog. Not only you’ll get responses from others but people will get to know your expertise if you’re adding value and creating a discussion through blog commenting section. Don’t forget to add the basic setup before commenting like; getting a nice image on gravatar, use your emails and not adding any links within your comments.

Guest posting is a MUST

Guest posting is still one of the favorite blog promotion strategies for many bloggers and authors to promote their blog to grow their audience and traffic. Guest posting simply means pick up a blog which is bigger than yours, write articles for them in exchange of links to your site. You get two things here; one is backlinks (which is good for SEO) and the other is traffic. That’s why guest posting always works like a charm especially when it comes to blog promotion strategy. Find the right blogs for guest posting Finding the blogs to write guest posts for their audience is the first step in guest posting. Use Google search strings for finding blogs to write guest posts. You can use search terms like “Guest post + your keyword”, “guest post for us + keywords” etc to find blogs that accept guest posts. Here’s a massive list of sites that accept guest posts (we’ve compiled the list which is great source for anyone from any industry to write guest posts). So use that post for getting ideas on finding the right blogs no matter what niche you are in. Pitch before you write Most people who are new to guest posting often make a mistake of writing their guest posts first and then pitch the blog owners whether they want or not. That’s a bad approach where you’re wasting your time and efforts. The right approach to guest blogging is to pitch your ideas to the bloggers first. Give them few variations and topic ideas to pick from and ask them which topics they want you to cover. Once they say go ahead with the topics, you can start researching and begin the writing process. Look at the comment section for writing great guest posts If you want to write great guest posts to promote your blog, start reading your targeted blog’s comment section to know what is missing and what their audience truly care about. Most people don’t give priority to this part and they often publish mediocre guest posts that don’t add any value to the community. If people are asking and commenting about a particular topic on any blog’s comment section, the chances are they are going to love to read the content if it’s written around it. Reading comments section helps you understand their target audience better so you can easily create content that works best for them. Promote your guest posts Most bloggers mail you or ping you once your guest posts go live (or they schedule your guest posts in advance so you can check them out on the schedule) so you can start promoting your guest posts. Not only this leaves a good impression on you among the bloggers who publish your guest posts but it also opens up the doors to get more exposure to your guest posts for earning more credibility as a blogger which helps immensely to promote your blog for more traffic.

Find better keywords that explode your search traffic

Let’s get right down to it: if you want to promote your blog, SEO is a must. For SEO to take place in your blog promotion success, you must learn and use keyword research process. Why keywords play a crucial role in promoting your blog? Keywords are what people use on Google search to visit any online eCommerce store or website. So if you’re not targeting or using any keywords within your content, you’re missing a lot of traffic and sales from search engines. Have a look at the image below to understand the importance of using keywords to promote your blog in SEO.

What do you understand from the above image? The long tail keywords have less search volume but they are easier to rank on Google (when compared with the short tail haid keywords). So if you’re starting out, target long tail keywords within your content to get better rankings and to boost your blog traffic from search engines. If you’re still wondering about how to use keywords within your sites and content, here are few tips you can implement that we regularly use to get traffic to our site. Get access to the right tools Before you even the keyword research process, it’s essential for you to get equipped yourself with the right tools. Without them, it’s almost impossible to find right keywords to market your blog. Here are some of the ultimate tools which can be used for doing keyword research to bring more traffic from search engines.

Keywordtool.io: The reason we are mentioning this tool over other famously used keyword research tool Keyword Planner is because it gives you great long tail keyword suggestions. Using this tool, you can get up to 700+ long tail keyword ideas for your seed keywords and it’s free to use. This tool is considered as one of the best free alternatives to Google’s keyword planner tool. Semrush: This is our favorite keyword research tool for a simple reason: it gives you accurate data and competitor analysis about the keywords that you want to target. It also helps you finding your competitors high traffic generating keywords so you can also use them within your content to drive more traffic to your sites.This is not a free tool and costs you around $100 per month but it is worth your money if you’re really bothered about search engine traffic.

Identify the right keywords and check competition Keyword difficulty and search volume: These are the two important metrics you always need to focus on while doing keyword research. Because you can’t simply pick whatever the keywords that the above tools provide you. You need to filter out all the high competition and high keyword difficulty keywords so you can rank easier and quickly in search engine results. Here’s where you need to start checking the competition, analyse the top 10 search results for the keywords you’re targeting and analyse the keyword difficulty for each term to get better results.

Use YouTube for solid blog promotion and huge traffic

Google is the #1 search engine in the world. Did you know YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine after Google? Then, if you’re ignoring video marketing especially on YouTube, you’re missing a huge potential to promote your site for more traffic and sales. If you’re new to YouTube video marketing, here are few advance tactics you can use to explode your website traffic in 2023 and beyond. Metadata is the heart and soul of YouTube Metadata is what tells Google and YouTube search crawls what your videos are about: so don’t ignore them. Metadata basically includes things like;

Meta description of videos: The meta description is actually your video’s description which find below the video. Here’s where most people get lazy and write one or two liners description without optimizing it for any keywords. If you want to get most out of YouTube SEO, write super long description for your videos by also using all the keywords that your video is about along with links to your website. Title of the video: If your video is about “cute little puppies” and want to bring more visitors to that video, you definitely need to use that keyword within your title tag (as it carries more weightage in YouTube search) for better click through rates. Tags: Instead of using a ton of tags which are relevant to your videos, you can get better results by using few (under 5) tags on every single video you upload on YouTube.

Your metadata is what determines your YouTube video success (especially when you’re starting out with zero audience and reputation). Thumbnails can make or break your success A compelling thumbnail can be the only difference between a video that gets million views and the other one that hardly gets any views. A thumbnail is what most people see on YouTube before clicking on any video. Get it right and you’ll be opening floodgates of traffic to your site. You can either use compelling and click worthy thumbnails or title cards which help you easily showcase your blog’s branding and website’s color scheme. Make sure to also use catchy titles or quotes within your thumbnail images for clickbaits. There are also so many YouTube thumbnail creating tools available online which are mostly free to use and helps you easily create click worthy thumbnails for your videos. Promote your YouTube videos When you’re starting out on YouTube, you simply can’t upload a great video along with catchy headlines and thumbnail and expect a million views the next day. It simply won’t happen unless you’re a celebrity. So what do you do? You simply start promoting your YouTube videos just like you promote your content. You can use forums, blog commenting (using your video links), internal linking from your site etc to get wider outreach to your channel.

Use LinkedIn to generate more traffic to your blog

If you’re running a B2B blog or using content marketing to promote your website, LinkedIn is a great platform which has over 400 million users worldwide. Best times to post on LinkedIn You must know the best and worst times to post on LinkedIn if you want to promote your site to get more traffic from that platform. Without knowing the best times, you’re wasting your time and efforts. Tuesday to Thursday usually work really better for getting more traffic from LinkedIn. Avoid weekends if possible. Here are some of the best days and time to post on LinkedIn.

Most clicks and shares: Tuesdays, 11 AM-12 PM. The worst time for LinkedIn: Sleeping hours (10 PM-6 AM) immediately before Monday and after Friday night. Best Times to post: 7-8 AM; 5-6 PM. Peak time of use during an average day: 12 PM; 5-6 PM.

Connect with people you know When you are just starting out on LinkedIn, building connections should be your primary goal. So connect with as many people as you know on LinkedIn. Here are few ways to find and connect with people you know;

Connect with everyone who you’re already working with Connect with everyone who you’ve studied with Connect with everyone who’s an influencer in your industry Connect with everyone who you get inspiration from Connect with your customers, clients, email contacts etc

The more people you’re connected to, the more views you’ll get on your profile and better LinkedIn connection recommendations you’ll get to boost your reputation on LinkedIn. Be active There’s no better way to promote your website on LinkedIn other than being active. Make sure to post updates every week possible and try to leave comments on others posts who you’re already connected with. Post article URLs to your blog and also start promoting others people’s content on your profile. Tag as many people as you can so you’ll get that initial traction from LinkedIn.

Create a blog promotion schedule

Consistency is the key to getting more traffic by promoting your blog. Without having a blog promotion schedule or strategy, you’re not going anywhere. You’ll be picking up dead ends and left out alone very soon. Here’s how you can create a blog promotion strategy that works really well to promote your business and reach wider audience. Assess your current traffic sources To create a perfect blog promotion schedule, evaluate your current traffic sources like social media, search engines, other websites that are linking to you etc to see which of them are generating you more traffic in a month. Then, you can layout a strategy to work more on the high traffic generating channels. Spend an hour a day Most expert bloggers are now recommending that you need to spend at least 80% of your time on blog promotion and 20% on content creation. No matter what your priorities are, spend at least an hour a day or 5 hours a week to promote your website. Create a spreadsheet and track everything Create a spreadsheet and track where you’re spending your time to promote your website. If you’re leaving 5 comments a day, mention it. If someone’s linking to you from their blogs, mention it too. This tracking allows you to better understand about how you’re spending time and also gives you an idea about your ROI. By having a blog promotion schedule, you’ll be able track, schedule your posts and automate your tactics on marketing your blog really better and get rewarding results from your efforts.

Use contests and giveaways to promote your website effectively

The great thing about using contests and giveaways is they are not only helpful to increase your blog traffic but they also increase your brand awareness and traffic. People go crazy about contests and they love to participate if they find some valuable freebies. Using holidays to promote giveaways Holidays, events and special days like black Friday or Cyber Monday weeks work really better to use contests and giveaways to market your blog. During these special days, people want more free stuff and they can’t skip even one contest that adds value to them.

Social media contests Do you know how to use social media to effectively market your blog? If not, you should know how to effectively use sites like Facebook, Instagram etc because billions of people are actively spending their time on social media sites.. If you’re just starting out and thinking about driving more traffic from social media sites, then start conducting social media contests where people need to follow your page, share your content on their social profiles, write about your blog etc. Know your outcome Before running any giveaway or contest either on YouTube, Instagram or Facebook, you should determine the outcome. What do you really want? Is it getting more traffic, subscribers or social media followers? You must also determine how long (how many days) your giveaways are going to run. You should also mention that clearly on your giveaway page (possibly with a countdown timer) so people will know when it starts and when it ends. Then, once you start your giveaway, you should promote it the right way by writing a post about it on your blog, by using an image from your sidebar which takes your audience to the giveaway landing page, social media sites, your email lists etc to get more people to participate in your giveaways. Use the right tools for giveaways There are too many tools available for conducting giveaways and contests but most of them are not so easy to use. So we recommend you to check out the easy to use tools like;

KingSumo Rafflecopter Wishpond etc

The above tools help you to conduct viral giveaways really quickly and they are all easy to use. If done right, you should easily get hundreds of entries for your giveaway and depending upon your prizes, you can announce the winners after a week or 10 days (depending on how long the duration is) either by picking a random person or the one with the most points (more shares, likes, buzz etc).

Start networking with other bloggers in your niche

Let us tell you one quick thing about blog promotion: there are only a couple of tactics that really work and give you excellent results. Out of all the blog promotion tactics, blogger outreach is one of the most effective promotion strategies. But here’s the thing: blogger outreach is time-consuming, takes too much time but gives you outstanding results in the long term. So here’s how to use it for promoting your blog by also building strong relationships with others using blogger outreach strategy. Learn the art of writing compelling emails If you want to succeed online, we’ve a quick tip for you: learn the art of writing great emails. Because all the marketers, agencies, bloggers and influencers use email almost every single day. If you want to succeed in blogger outreach, learn how to write email subject lines and email copy without sounding like a sales guy. The quick tip here is to subscribe to all the great influencers like Ramit Sethi, Derek Halpern, Brian Clark etc and analyse their emails along with the subject lines. You’ll learn to write better emails that way. Always get access to the right blogger outreach tools If you want to save your time and money, start using the right blogger outreach tools. Here’s a list of few amazing tools that will help you with blogger outreach.

Buzzsumo Traackr Pitchbox Ninja Outreach etc

Always give before you ask One of the most common mistakes most people make is they reach out to other bloggers only seeking help or getting something from them. That’s one of the blunders one can make while promoting your blog for free. Never seek help. Before you seek help, help them first. Give them something (it can be anything from leaving comments, sharing their content or buying their products etc) and then start engaging to get the most out of blog promotion.

Use paid marketing promotion channels

If all the above tactics fail or doesn’t give you any results, paid internet advertising is the way to go to market your blog. Paid marketing channels are the surefire ways to bring more traffic for any keywords that you want and also more website sales. Here are some of the paid marketing channels you can use to market your blog the right way in 2023 within a limited budget. Google AdWords: Google AdWords is what most people use when they want to go for paid marketing to promote their blogs and websites (to generate more leads and sales). AdWords is really cost effective and gives you highest ROI as you spend more on AdWords. Adding relevant keywords by spying on your competitors high traffic generating keywords to your AdWords paid campaign is the key to generate more clicks and sales. So competitor analysis a must if you want to get more traffic to your your blog by using AdWords really effectively under a limited budget. Make sure to increase your AdWords budget (the amount you spend on AdWord ads) as your traffic and profit grows. That way you can ignore all of the other channels and only use AdWords to build a solid online business. For example, let’s say you’re spending $100 on AdWords ads daily and getting a return of 150$, then your profit is $50 a day. Not too shabby when you’re starting out – so you can always increase your budget to boost your profits and sales. Facebook ads: As we said earlier, Facebook is the biggest social media platform with billions of active monthly users and millions of people are using Facebook ads to boost their sales and traffic. You can simply start using Facebook post “Boost” feature to get started with paid promotion on Facebook (you can use your Facebook pages to boost your post visibility or get more likes for your business on Facebook). Also choosing the right audience while promoting on Facebook plays a vital role. So in order to get the most out of Facebook, make sure to define your target audience persona (along with the demographics, age group, their interests etc). You can use photos, videos for compelling ad creation (there are specific type of ads on Facebook such as lead ads, dynamic ads, link ads etc). Also make sure to perform A/B split testing on Facebook ads to see which landing pages or headlines are yielding better results for you. Twitter ads: Just like Facebook, Twitter also has massive following and active monthly users (over 400 million monthly active users who use Twitter almost every single day) who are highly targeted. So ignoring Twitter ads can hurt your promotion efforts. The first thing you need to remember while considering Twitter ads is to know your primary objectives. What do you want from twitter ads?

Getting more followers on Twitter? Getting more leads from Twitter? Getting more traffic from twitter to your sites? Getting more engagement on twitter?

Once you know your primary objectives, it becomes easier and cost effective for you to effectively use Twitter to market your blog to reach wider audience around the world even if you’ve a limited budget for twitter ad campaigning. Make sure to track your ad campaign results when you’re using Twitter ads so you get better idea about the engagement and leads you’re getting from it. It’s always a smart choice to start your ad budget slow, track your results and then increase your budget as you see better results. Instagram ads: Instagram is the new latest kid to the marketing and growing rapidly. If you’re targeting urban audience, Instagram is perfect for you. Did you know that there are over 2 million advertisers are promoting their blog on Instagram every single month? The numbers are only growing rapidly so getting yourself ready on Instagram is a great way to boost your traffic and sales. You can use Instagram ads such as photo ads, video ads, story ads etc for promoting your blog and business and also to grow traffic to your website. Instagram ads work best for you when you know essential things like location, age, interests, demographics – so make sure to find them out before jumping into the pool of Instagram advertising. BuySellAds: This is a great targeted online platform for advertisers and marketers. You can use this platform to find a ton of useful blogs and websites to post your ads or product banners to start getting more conversions and traffic to your sites. You just need to create a free account as an advertiser, post your ads by paying them money and pick any variety of banner ads or text ads to start driving more traffic from other sites which are relevant to your industry. The great thing about using this platform to buy ads is that you can pick ad placements across more than 12,000 premium publishers around the world and there are no spending limits for your ads.

How We Increased Our BloggersPassion Traffic to One Million Pageviews A Year?

Here are some of the tools that helped us increase our search engine traffic and overall website sales in last 3 years. We highly recommend them if you want to explode your traffic by also increasing sales.

Quick note: We also wrote a detailed BloggersPassion traffic report where you’ll find all the details of traffic sources along with average income of this blog. Make sure to check it out as it has a ton of useful suggestions to boost your blog’s traffic Semrush: We are using Semrush for 2 reasons: to increase traffic and sales. We all know how important it is to conquer Google search results and beat your competitors in search to boost your search traffic and sales. Here’s where Semrush gives you access to everything you need from keyword analysis to competitor research to site audits. If you’re someone who’s looking to increase traffic effectively using SEO, having access to the right SEO tools like Semrush can be really helpful. Yes, Semrush costs you $120 per month but it is worth every single penny and adds so much profits to your bottom line. That being said, here’s a great review of Semrush just in case if you want to know more about using it along with its features. Click here to try Semrush free for 30 days (Worth $119.95) WordPress SEO by Yoast: Before trying to increase your search traffic, you need to focus on on page optimization because on page SEO is the key to getting higher search rankings on Google. But doing on page SEO is not easy especially if you don’t know anything about keyword optimization and all. Here’s where WordPress SEO by Yoast comes to your rescue which helps you easily optimize your blog posts for your primary targeted keywords to rank higher in Google search. We are using this plugin for a long time now and we’re extremely happy with the results and we’re satisfied with this plugin so much so that we actually bought a premium version of it by paying $67 a year (which is a great buy again!). Click here to install this plugin for free Apart from the above tools, we also use a ton of other tools but these are the really 2 effective tools if you want to really get more traffic to your blogs. Browse more Blogging Resources:

How to Start a Blog in 2023 [Step by Step Process] How to Get Your Blog Noticed in 2023 A Powerful Blog Setup Checklist What is Personal Branding with Personal Brand Examples in 2023 Top Ways to Interlink Your Blog Posts Like a PRO Blogging Tips And Tricks That Work Like a Charm in 2023

Final thoughts on how to promote your blog effectively in 2023

There are a ton of ways to promote a blog. But you need to focus on using the RIGHT channels so you can drive targeted visitors to your site. That’s when you increase your overall targeted traffic, sales and conversion rates. We hope you liked the ultimate guide on marketing your blog for free and we have mostly covered all of the necessary steps and action one can take their blog to the next level. Do you have any more blog promotion tactics to share? Please share this post with others on social media if you’ve find it useful. Share your thoughts in the comments.