But it’s important to select your new door carefully to get the most out of your investment. Do you know how to choose the best sliding door to improve your home? The following guide will explain how to make the right selection and use a sliding door most efficiently.
Pocket Sliding Doors
Pocket sliding doors work well in spaces without enough room for a hinged door. The doors use linear slides along their length and move into a hidden compartment in the neighboring wall. Typically, pocket doors use an overhead track instead of a floor track for their rollers. Consider this door type for bathrooms, closets, utility rooms, and other tight spaces. You can install single-pocket doors or doubles depending on your available space.
Arcadia Sliding Doors
arcadia sliding doors are made of glass and rectangular shaped. They mount on rollers next to a stationary glass panel. The door lines up with the bordering glass panel when open and slides back to close. These types of doors are commonly used as a barrier between the inside and outside of a house. Arcadia doors usually lead to a home’s backyard or patio area and they’re often called “patio doors”.
Bypass Sliding Doors
Bypass sliding doors work well in closets and pantries. The doors slide past and behind each other as they open. They’re adjacent to one another when closed to block the opening. Bypass sliders fit into top and bottom tracks in the door frame.
Mirrored Sliding Doors
Mirrored sliders comes as either pocket or bypass doors types. They’re often installed in bedroom closets to create a bigger feel in the room. They also provide a full length dressing mirror as an added benefit.
Shoji Screen Sliders
Shoji screens are a sliding door type made of wood and fine paper. They’ve been used in Japanese homes for hundreds of years. The screens have several uses but mainly serve to enhance contemporary Asian design in homes. Shoji screens work well for openings to gardens or backyard spaces.
Sliding French Doors
French doors usually swing open but there are also sliding variations that help save space. Traditional French doors get adjusted to slide on a track instead of swinging open into a room.
Shuttered Sliders
Louvered or shuttered sliding doors work great covering storage closets, utility rooms, and pantries. They look similar to real shutters and generally use two doors that slide inward.
Choosing the Best Sliding Door
Now you know how to choose the best sliding door types for your home. Consider how much space you have, where the opening leads, and all of the sliding options mentioned. Remember this guide and upgrade your closet, pantry, and exterior doors to sliding doors with confidence. Check out the rest of our amazing blog for more helpful home improvement tips and other fascinating information.
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