Read on to learn why creative professionals take time to prepare a statement describing their work and how to prepare one that will position your art with purpose.

What Is an Artist Statement?

Let’s begin with the basics. An artist statement is a written description of your art and why you create it. From a viewer perspective, it’s like the dust jacket of a novel that describes the work and the author who wrote it. And just as many people literally judge the book by the words written inside the cover, first impressions about your work can be made by your artist statement. Think of your artist statement like the blub inside the book’s cover. It will speak to people about who you are and give them a unique perspective of your work. Make it conversational, so people feel like they are getting to know you and your passion for the work. 

How to Write Your Statement

Perhaps you are a painter, a sculptor, or a creator of digital media. Your Medium isn’t necessarily the written word, but that doesn’t mean you can’t channel your creative energy into a great artist statement. You can check out these artists for some inspiration. Follow these steps to put your thoughts to paper:

Make a Statement

An artist statement may seem excessive to artists who have already spent hours, weeks, or months to create the perfect portfolio. However, as more artists compete for grant opportunities, commissions, and gallery showings, it’s essential to take the extra time to describe your work.  For more tips and ideas to support your creative efforts, please explore the rest of our site. 

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