However, once you get the bed into the house, the next item to tackle will be the bedding. Believe it or not, there are a few things worth considering before purchasing bedding for your hospital bed. Let’s take a closer look.

What Sized Sheets Do You Need?

Did you know that not every hospital bed is the same size? For that reason, a hospital bed uses different sized sheets, so you want to be sure you’re purchasing the right size. They need to fit tight and snug so they aren’t moving around.

What Kind of Fabric Are the Sheets?

The next thing to consider is the fabric the sheets are made of. If you were to look at the sheets used in hospitals, you’d see that they tend to be a cotton and polyester blend. The reason for this is that they wash very well and at high temperatures (perfect for sanitizing), they are breathable, lightweight and relatively soft. For those who may be sensitive to materials and fabrics touching their skin, this blend is often described as being very soft. If you want a more luxurious fabric, you can opt for bamboo, which is also known to be lightweight, breathable, soft and comfortable. These too wash the bed well and will have a solid lifespan. The big difference will be cost, as bamboo is more expensive. Some fabrics to avoid are silk, as this can make it hard to move around easily in bed, and synthetic fabrics that aren’t as breathable and don’t hold up well to frequent laundering. Read next: Important Factors To Evaluate Your Mattress On

How About a Blanket?

Sheets alone may not be warm enough, especially during the cooler months. When looking for a blanket, you want to be mindful of the weight of the blanket, the comfort and how easy it is to wash and dry – just like with the sheets.

Waterproof the Mattress

If you’re worried about spills or accidents in the bed, it’s normal to want to look for waterproofing options that will protect the mattress. Sheets won’t help in that regard, but you can purchase an underpad or mattress cover that is waterproof. A few things to look for when shopping for waterproof items is that they are resistant to stains and odors, wash and dry on high temperatures with shrinking, are breathable and easy to use. Being aware of each of these considerations will help you to find the best bedding possible for your at-home hospital bed. The best sheets are those that takes into account comfort, durability and practicality. Don’t hesitate to shop around and be picky as you look for the perfect solution.

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