If you are wondering how to get a job in another country, keep reading. In this article, learn the benefits of getting a job abroad, common problems people face and some top tips on how to get a job overseas. If you do decide that getting a job abroad is the next step for you, it’s important that you are well prepared. From perfecting your CV to preparing for your interview questions, we have the information you need.

Why Look For a Job Abroad?

The idea of living and working abroad is appealing to many. It commonly features on many people’s bucket lists. However, only a small percentage of people actually do it. There are many benefits to working abroad. You may find that you have better opportunities to gain experience or more opportunities to progress in your career than you do in your home country. Aside from benefits relating to your career, living abroad can expose you to different cultures and new experiences that you wouldn’t have access to at home. Some of the best reasons to work abroad are:

Exposure to Different Cultures

Exposing yourself to different cultures is a top benefit you’ll enjoy when working abroad. While you may find it difficult to adapt to a new culture at first, you’ll soon realize how exciting it can be to fully immerse yourself in a different way of life. You can open yourself up to new cuisines, hobbies, celebrations and make new friends along the way. Showing the ability to adapt to a new culture can also have a positive impact on your career. Being able to show adaptability is a skill that many employers value, it’s one of the core skills of a good work ethic. Also, with the world connecting more and more and the need for international relationships in business, showing that you understand different cultures is extremely beneficial.

Develop Your Skills

Working abroad may also give you access to new skills that you could not develop at home. For example, you may have to learn a new language to work in your chosen location. Or, you may need to use different programs or systems in your new job. It’s also a great opportunity to work on your soft skills, like communication, problem-solving or teamwork. Whatever skills you will use in your new career abroad, it’s highly likely that you can transfer them into any role in the future.

Expand Your Network

Another advantage of working abroad is expanding your network in a way that you could not have done at home. Meeting new people in your field is never a bad thing. Even with the advent of social media and the ability to virtually connect with people on the other side of the world, it doesn’t compare to having the opportunity to meet people face to face, to build a strong relationship with people who could provide future career opportunities. So, always remember how important it is to say yes to networking opportunities.

Common Problems When Job Hunting Abroad

Taking the leap to move and work abroad isn’t to be taken lightly. There are many obstacles to overcome while you are job hunting for a job overseas. Some of the common problems people face when job hunting abroad are:

Language Difficulties

You may have found the perfect job abroad, but it requires you to speak the local language, and you know barely a word. If time isn’t an issue, you may be able to take some classes before making the move or when you arrive. But often, there will not be enough time to pick up this new skill.

Different Time Zones

If you’re looking for a job in Europe and you’re in the US, you may have to be available to communicate during their working hours (the middle of the night for you). This may pose a problem if your prospective employer is having a hard time reaching you. They may assume that you’re not reliable and stop considering you for the role if you don’t communicate well with them.

Virtual Interviews

This leads to the next common problem. As well as having to conduct interviews very late or very early because of the time zone difference, it’s likely that you’ll be doing virtual interviews if you haven’t moved to the country yet. While virtual interviews are now very common, you may find it difficult if you aren’t used to them.

Different Holidays

Countries abroad will not always celebrate the same holidays as you do. So you may find that they want to do an interview on Thanksgiving or Christmas. It’s also important to keep this in mind for when you make the move. You’ll need to request holidays off from your job if you want to celebrate or go back home for these events.

Work Permits and Visas

Many countries will require you to obtain a work permit or visa to get a job there. While you won’t need these to look for a job, it’s important to keep this in mind, as it can set time or income limitations.

Cultural Differences

Keep in mind that you will need to be open to adapting to your new country’s culture. Many countries have different working hours or working environments. For example, in Japan, the working culture is much more intense than in the US or Europe, so be prepared for this. Here are ten top tips on how to get a job abroad:

1. Narrow Down Your Target Countries

One mistake people often make when trying to get a job overseas is not narrowing down their search pool. You’ll easily feel overwhelmed if you are looking for jobs in too many locations. It’s a good idea to choose a couple of places to begin your search. Try to think of places that would be a good fit for you. Maybe consider moving to a place where you can speak the language, or somewhere that you have a particular affinity for, or maybe you already know some people who live there. If you wish to go somewhere you’re not familiar with, make sure that you thoroughly research the place before going.

2. Research Local Recruitment Practices

Once you’ve made your decision on where you would like to go, take time to research the local recruitment practices. For example, research the standard interview practices, common interview questions, whether there are usually various stages of interviews, and whether they are online or in-person. It’s also a good idea to check what they expect on a resume or CV. Should you also include a photo, and what is the standard length of a resume there? Finally, check what the standard dress code is so you are prepared for an interview.

3. Use Local/International Job Sites

You’ll have more success in finding a job abroad if you use local or international job boards. This will really help you expand your search and increase your chances of landing a job.

4. Learn the Language if Necessary

If you’re moving to a country where people speak a different language to your native tongue, you may need to learn it to land your dream job. Even if your new job doesn’t require you to speak the language, you will definitely benefit from learning it, even if just some basic phrases. It’ll be easier for you to network, make friends and go about day-to-day life if you can speak a little of the language. It may also give you an extra edge that other candidates don’t have.

5. Network With People From Target Countries

We’re lucky that we live in an age where we can connect and communicate with people from all over the world. Take advantage of this opportunity and network with people in the country that you wish to move to and land a job in. Using a social network like LinkedIn means you can search for people by their job and you may end up finding the person who has the perfect opportunity for you. Aside from social media, there are always opportunities to join remote networking events. You can find them easily by searching online for the name of your professional field along with the keywords ‘virtual networking events’.

6. Look For Communities of Other People Who Have Already Moved

It’s also easy to find groups or networks of like-minded people who have made the move that you would like to do. There’s likely to be a Facebook group of people who have moved to the same country. Get in touch with them and ask any burning questions that you have before making the big move.

7. Study Abroad if You Are Still at University

If you’re still at college or university, your school may have a program where you could take a year, semester or a couple of weeks to study abroad. This is a great opportunity for you to test out a location before committing to moving there. Having studied there may also increase your chances of getting a job in the future since the employer knows that you are already familiar with the area.

8. Localize Your Resume

Once you’re aware of how your resume should look, take some time to make sure that yours is up to scratch. Look into some tips on how to write a perfect resume. Make sure that you have included all the information. If necessary, have your resume translated to the target language. Also, be aware of any spelling changes between your home country and your new country. Even in English there are differences between spelling. For example, program (US English) versus programme (UK English) and color (US English) versus colour (UK English). Minor changes like this could make all the difference in landing your dream job abroad.

9. Take a Brief Trip Out Before the Move, if Possible

If it’s possible, consider taking a brief trip to your new country before you make the big move. Of course, if it’s very far away, this might not be possible. But if it is, visiting the country beforehand might relieve some nerves. You could use the opportunity to look into accommodation and meet up with new colleagues.

10. Apply for a Visa as Soon as Possible

Different countries will have different rules for visas and work permits, so look into this as soon as possible. You won’t need a visa to apply for jobs, but make sure you’re aware of the country’s requirements before you accept any jobs.

How Do I Get a Job Abroad Before I Move?

The best way to get a job abroad before you move is by checking local or international job boards. It’s also useful to localize your resume so that it is like the standard resume that someone in that country would use.

What Kinds of Jobs Are Easy To Get In a Foreign Country?

Some of the most popular jobs that foreign people get abroad are:

Teaching English as a foreign language Working as an au pair Working in tourism or hospitality, like hotels or restaurants Working on a farm

Which Country Has the Most Job Opportunities for Foreigners?

The top 10 countries with job opportunities for foreigners are:

Singapore Hong Kong UAE Australia USA France China Netherlands United Kingdom Mexico

Which Countries Are Best for Unskilled Workers?

The top five countries for unskilled workers are:

Canada Norway Portugal Sweden Switzerland

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this article has covered everything you need to know about getting jobs in other countries. While you may face some difficulties at the beginning, if getting a job abroad is your dream, you can make it happen. Whatever your reasons are, working abroad could be the best thing you ever do, but the more you prepare, the better your chances of landing your dream job and the experience of a lifetime.